Game Playas Baes of 2024
Starting with 2024, each month the Game Playas will choose a Bae of the Month and do pin ups on them. Here are the picks of the year, and some of them are drawn by fellow Playas, Airebeam, Joe Sinister and Empty!
- January 2024- Tara (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes)
- February 2024- Hong Meiling (Touhou)
- March 2024- Sonia- Pokemon
- April 2024- Mitsune Kono- Love Hina
- May 2024- Pirahna- Jet Set Radio
- June 2024- Aisha ClanClan- Outlaw Star
- JuLY 2024- Dr. Girlfriend- Venture Bros
- AUGUST 2024- Korsica- HI-FI Rush